
The project includes the leading Danish professors within the research area of uncertainties in transport planning, and includes in addition leading national and international capacities.

Scientific staff and work package leaders:

WP4 and Project leader: Professor Otto Anker Nielsen

WP1: Professor Bent Flyvbjerg

WP2: Professor Petter Næss

WP5: Professor Steen Leleur

WP3: Associate Professor Bo Friis Nielsen

WP5 and Project secretary: Associate Professor Kim Bang Salling


International scientific commitee and external scientific partners:

Professor David Banister

Professor Arvid Strand

Professor Emeritus Daniel Kahneman

Doctor of Science Steen Lichtenberg


PhD students enrolled within the UNITE project:

WP1: PhD student Morten Skou Nicolaisen

WP2: PhD student Jeppe Astrup Andersen

WP3: PhD student David Meisch

WP4: PhD student Stefano Manzo