The results of the quantitative and qualitative analyses will be interpreted in the light of relevant theoretical perspectives, including theories about factors influencing travel behaviour (notably transport economics, transport geography and mobility sociology) as well as theories about rationality, power and the use of knowledge in planning and decision-making (notably discourse theory and planning theory). The validity of the methods applied in traffic forecasting and economic project evaluation will also be discussed in a theory of science perspective.
The document studies will be supplemented with 10 to 15 qualitative research interviews in each country with persons playing a key role in the decision-making processes on large road and rail projects. We intend to interview representatives from the Ministry of Transport, the Highway Directorates, the Rail Agencies as well as important consulting firms. An interpretation scheme will be prepared for the analysis of the interview material. This will include a number of detailed research questions. Our experience from previous research studies is that the use of such interpretation schemes contributes significantly to improving the validity and reliability of the interpretation of the qualitative interview material.