The project will draw upon leading international capacities with regard to biases and risks in transport models and decision support tools.
The overall issues concerning uncertainties in models and decision making processes will be discussed with the Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman, Princeton, notable for his work on behavioural finance and hedonic psychology. Bent Flyvbjerg will explore this cooperation during the work on the final proposal.
With regard to the empirical studies and policy context, an involvement is agreed upon with the Transport Economic Institute in Oslo (TØI), including Arvid Strand, who has a long experience in this research area.
The project on transport models is expected to interact with the research groups in the Netherlands with regard to uncertainties in transport models (De Jong now employed at the company “Significance” and Warren Walker at TUDelft). Links will also be established to KTH in Stockholm that has conducted various studies on the subject.
The project on socio-economic evaluation methods includes Professor David Banister from University of Oxford. He has been intensively involved in the utilization of the British Department for Transport methodology based on Reference Class Forecasting. The collaboration will include different Multi Criteria Analysis methods and their use in transport assessment – which exploits various concepts of risk.