Conference Papers in Proceedings
Ambrasaite, I., Barfod, M.B. & Salling, K.B. (2011). MCDA and Risk Analysis in Transport Infrastructure Appraisals: the Rail Baltica Case. Proceedings of the 26th Mini‐EURO Conference, Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences, Vol. 20 (2011), pp. 944‐953.
Andersen, J. A. (2010). The Partisan Scientific Advisor: Transport Models and the Inscription of Politics. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Cosmobilities Network, Cultures of Mobilities Everyday Life, Communication, and Politics, Aalborg, Denmark.
Andersen, J. A. and Næss, P. (2010). Models, Environment and Manipulation: Power and Knowledge Filtering in the Decision‐Making Process about the Third Limfjord Crossing. Forthcoming in Selected Proceedings of the 24th AESOP Annual Conference in Helsinki, Finland.
Bladt, M., Rodriguez Esparza, L. J. & Friis Nielsen, B. (2011). Bilaterial Matrix – Exponential Distributions. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Matrix‐Analytic Methods in Stochastic Models. Proceedings of the 24th AESOP Annual Conference in Helsinki, Finland.
Friis Nielsen, B., Nielson, F. and Nielson, Hanne R. (2010). Model Checking Multivariate State Rewards. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, pp. 7‐16.
Leleur, S., Larsen, L. A. and Skougaard, B. Z. (2010). Strategic Transport Decision‐making: The SIMDEC Approach based on Risk Simulation and Multi‐Criteria Analysis. In Proceedings of the 2010 Asian Simulation of Technology Conference (ASTEC), Shanghai, China.
Nicolaisen, M. and Næss, P. (2010). Uncertainties in Travel Demand Forecasting: Considerations for a Methodology of Appraisal. Presented at the 24th AESOP Annual Conference in Helsinki, Finland.
Nicolaisen, M.S., Ambrasaite, I. & Salling, K.B. (2012). Forecasts: Uncertain, inaccurate and biased? In Proceedings of the 2012 Traffic Days in Aalborg, Denmark.
Næss, P. & Strand, A. (2012): Hvilke slags trafikfremskrivninger er mulige? In: Proceedings from the Annual Transport Conference at Aalborg University, vol. 19.
Rich, J., Nielsen, O. A. & Cantarella, G. (2010). System Convergence in transport modelling. European Transport Conference (ETC). Glasgow, Scotland, UK. 11‐13/10. Session on Behavioural Considerations in Local Public Transport.
Salling, K. B. and Leleur, S. (2009). Modelling of Transport Project Uncertainties: Risk Assessment and Scenario Analysis. In Proceedings of Modelling and Applied Simulation (2009), Tenerife, Spain, pp. 85‐92.
Salling, K. B. and Leleur, S. (2010). Reference Scenario Forecasting: A new Approach to Transport Project Assessment. In Proceedings of the 2010 World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Lisbon, Portugal.
Salling, K.B. & Ambrasaite, I. (2011). Applying @RISK for assessing distributions based on Risk Simulation and Scenario Foresight: SIMSIGHT. Presentation at the 6th International Palisade Risk Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Salling, K.B. (2012). Transport Infrastructure Appraisal: The UNITE‐DSS Model. In Proceedings of the 26th IPMA World Congress, Special Session: Risk Based Decision Making in Infrastructure Projects, Crete, Greece.
Salling, K.B. & Barfod, M.B. (2012). The UNITE‐DSS Modelling System: SIMSIGHT – Risk Simulation and Scenario Foresight. In Proceedings of the Palisade EMEA 2012 Risk Conference – Risk Analysis, Applications & Training, London, UK (invited speaker).